Summer Internship Wrap Up

A large pillar of our mission at South Atlanta Photography is to help educate and inform younger generations of creatives. We want to share our experiences, and give students and interns insight into career paths that maybe their parents or their teachers aren’t aware of. This is a privilege and a pleasure to give back to the community we grew up in.

Our interns Sammy and Aspen talk about their experience as South Atlanta Photography interns. They summarize their highlights, share some experiences, and give advice to future interns. We couldn't be more proud of them, and we look forward to seeing what they accomplish.


If you’d like more information about South Atlanta Photography’s internship program, please feel free to send us an email to with “Internship” in the subject. We look forward to hearing from you!


Fall Back To School Portraits


South Atlanta Photography X Mercedes Benz of South Atlanta