Senior Session Wardrobe Guide

Are you feeling anxious about what to wear for your senior session? I understand that choosing the right wardrobe can feel overwhelming. Don't worry. I'm here to help you make those choices a breeze and ensure you look fantastic in every frame.

First off, let's talk about what not to bring. It's best to empty your pockets before your session. Phones, keys, and other personal items can create unwanted bulges and distractions in your photos. Instead, consider bringing a small bag or purse to keep your essentials off-set. This small adjustment makes a big difference in achieving that clean, polished look. It will also reduce distractions and help you stay in the moment.

Now, think about who's likely to pay for your session and where these photos will end up. Chances are, your parents will proudly display these photos on their walls and coffee tables for years to come. While it's important to express your personal style, remember to choose outfits that will make your parents just as happy. Timeless, classic pieces that show off your personality but also keep a degree of sophistication will always be a win. Trust us, your future self will thank you.

Consider including one dressier look in your wardrobe selection. Whether it’s a sharp suit for the guys or a beautiful long dress for the girls, having a more formal outfit can really elevate your photos. These timeless pieces not only look fantastic but also offer a nice contrast to your casual looks. Plus, they give you the chance to show a different side of your personality – Parent’s, you will likely get some push-back, but encouraging this will allow your senior to really embody and start to see themselves as polished and sophisticated. This positive reinforcement can really change the way a child views themselves and their potential. Further, these shots often turn out to be some of the favorites of their senior photo collection.

Comfort is another key factor to consider when planning out what to wear. You want to be able to move freely and naturally during your shoot without worrying about exposure or discomfort. This might mean avoiding the mini dress that looked great at homecoming, or your favorite loose fitting low cut top. Both are going to limit your range of motion while maintaining a level of decency appropriate, again, for your parent’s walls. Further, Atlanta's summer heat can be intense, and early fall still holds onto that warmth, so opt for outfits that keep you cool and comfortable. Guys, you also don’t have to wear the full outfit the whole time. If you are planning on wearing a suit, you can take the jacket off until it’s time for it. And if your session involves walking to various locations, bring along a comfortable pair of shoes to slip on and off between shots. Your feet will thank you!

When choosing your outfits, pick colors that highlight your skin tone and eye color. Soft pastels, earth tones, and classic neutrals in the whites and creams family work beautifully in natural settings. We often steer clients away from black and navy, because they aren’t colors typically associated with the lush summer backgrounds around Atlanta. Finally, avoid anything that might draw attention to areas you're self-conscious about. The goal is to make you feel confident and comfortable, so your true personality shines through in every shot. 

Don’t forget about the details. Accessories can make a huge difference in your senior session, adding those finishing touches that bring your outfit together and highlight your personality. Think of them as the cherry on top of your already awesome look. Simple pieces like hats, jewelry, belts, or watches can add a touch of flair without overpowering your ensemble. They can also introduce a bit of variety and interest to your photos. Just remember, less is often more. Opt for accessories that complement your outfits and enhance your features, rather than distracting from them. In other words, don’t be trying to hide your pimple behind some giant hat brim. We can remove a blemish in Photoshop easier than a statement piece.

Remember, the best senior sessions are the result of planning and consideration. Prepare beforehand, so you may feel at ease and confident in front of the camera. With the right wardrobe choices, we can capture stunning images that reflect who you are at this special milestone. So, let's make your senior session a memorable and enjoyable experience! If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to get in touch. We are here to help.

South Atlanta Photography Senior Sessions


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